De Tijd (Netherlands)

De Tijd
Type Daily newspaper
Format Broadsheet
Founded June 17, 1845
Political alignment Catholic
Language Dutch
Ceased publication 1974
Circulation 55000

De Tijd was a Dutch language Catholic daily newspaper published from 1845 until 1974. At the end of pillarisation (religious segregation) the number of subscribers diminished drastically and the daily became a weekly in 1974. In 1990 it merged with the Haagse Post weekly to become the HP/De Tijd.


The first edition of De Tied was published June 17, 1845 in 's-Hertogenbosch; at this time the newspaper appeared thrice weekly. Judocus Smits was the founder and editor in chief. In 1846 De Tijd (which at that time had 250 subscribers) moved to Amsterdam, in order to attract more subscribers. It also started publishing daily.

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